

I’m a web developer with a passion for music and creation. Pulling from my experience as a drummer and producer, I aim to create applications that are functional but also inspiring. My self-discipline and attention to detail make me a very quick and enthusiastic learner. I hope to make every user experience approachable, easy and most importantly, fun!


JavaScript | CSS3 & HTML5 | React & React Native | Node.js | Express.js | jQuery | MongoDB | Mongoose | PostgreSQL | EJS | Ruby on Rails | Bootstrap | Git | GitHub | Adobe Photoshop


Hype Week

Built in React, this web app uses hooks to connect to the Spotify Web API and Playback SDK. After login via Spoitfy, a user can play their discover weekly playlist through the provided player. They have the ability to adjust volume, play, pause, skip, rewind and favorite tracks!

Astrology Mobile

Using React Native, Expo and Firebase Authentication - this is a mobile astrology app that allows a user to sign up, sign in and read their daily horoscope. They can also draw a random tarot card. Design was based off of one of my favorite astrology apps - CHANI.

California Adventure

California Adventure HomePage

Built with the MERN stack, this is a web app that allows a user to view all the National Parks in CA by fetching data from the NPS API. As a logged in user, you can view each park for a description, list of activities, weather info and visit the website of each park.


Menu Home Page

Full frontend CRUD, built in React. This app allows a user to add, delete and edit menu items from the current list.

Third Wave

Third Wave HomePage

A fullstack web application that allows users to add, view and edit a list of third wave coffee shops. Comments can also be added by each user.


Broogle HomePage

A front-end web application that searches for breweries based on what city you are in using the GitHub Open Brewery DB. This app utilizes jQuery and AJAX to pull from the API.

Broogle - Mobile

Using React Native, this is a mobile version of the web application Broogle. It allows a user to search for breweries by city using the GitHub Open Brewery DB.
